Assesment Process
1. 2016 ICT Seagulls Projects will be assessed at two steps, as usual. 50% will be the peers’ part, 50% will be the Jury’s part in assessing.
A. During the peer-assessment, the following criteria will be used by the peers:
- Identification of the specific project topic (democratic, clear, easy-handled, by students.
- Literature reviewing (informative, detailed, virtual and physical, from citation index only).
- The fishbone diagram is correct and detailed.
- Strategies and tactics are clear, creative, innovative and well-planned.
- Data collection tools are scientifically prepared, conducted. Data analysis is correct. Success rate is given in percentages (%). Change seems to be created.
- They have at least one advisor. His/her name is mentioned in the study. On the Acknowledgement slide there is “Thank you” for every supporting body.
- All the activities are recorded and/or video taken, and also shared on the Web/Blog.
- There are Turkish and English PPTs on the Main Page of the Web/Blog. They are easily found and entered. There is no code or password for it. There is no animation in PPTs.
- All the references are given in a correct manner (APA Style) even for clipart and photos.
- Web/Blog design is interesting, easy handled, clear, informative and charming. Logos exist. There is communication link.
B. Jury Assessment will start as soon as the lists are shared with the project teams for the peer-assessment and will end on 31st July, 2016. The jury members will assess all the projects based on the following criteria. It will constitute of the 50% of whole assessment:
- İmece Circles methodology is correct. The quality tools were used in a correct manner and efficiently.
- The project is appropriate to the level of participants.
- Creative, innovative and original.
- Scientific.
- Team of spirit is felt easily.
2. International ICT Leading Seagulls Projects will be prepared and guided by teachers, as it was shared before. All the steps, including planning, implementing, assessing, sharing outcomes including activities and PPT the entire project are taken as a film. The aim is preparing a MOOC-like film. The aim is sharing it with the community and educational partners. So, those films/projects will be called: OOPs (Open Online Projects). Assessment of them will belong to the Jury. The criteria are as follows:
- Creativity, innovativeness, originality.
- All the steps will be based upon quality philosophy and PDCA Mindset. The project leaders should use at least 5 quality tools.
- Scientific approach. All the references must be given from the cited articles.
- Project leader’s attitude towards his/her project. Love and interest should be felt.
- Using technology effectively.
IMPORTANT! ICT Leading Seagulls Projects are assessed by jury members ONLY. ICT Seagulls Projects are both assessed by peers and jury members.