Participation Steps (Functional Grades)
At the School Administration level:
Voluntary Team leaders or teachers might register the Projects by sending the “Registration Form” and also “Network membership Form” to Dr. Hayal Köksal to participate in the Project. Those Forms must be asked from the General Director of the Project (Dr. Hayal KÖKSAL). After the approval of the registration, Dr. Köksal sends an approval e-letter to the leading teacher and to the school principal. Training PPTs are also sent to the leaders. It is recommended to the leading teams and to the principals to watch the PPTs to be informed about the needs of the Project.
At the Team Level:
Our projects are based upon the PDCA Mindset (Plan, Do, Check, Act) and the steps are as follows:
- Identification of the project topic (problem area) with the participation of students. Determination of the specific topic.
- Preparing the Gannt card for effective “Time Management”.
- Conducting a detailed research (Literature review) related to the problem area (The Internet, especially Google Scholar, Library, Bookstores, etc.).
- Drawing the “Road Map” of the Project by using quality tools, such as; brainstorming, fishbone diagram, matrix, etc. It is recommended that after the determination of the project steps, approval should be asked from the general coordinator of the Project.
- Determination of the strategies and tactics after the main and root causes of the problem. Planning stage is the most important thing for the project management.
- Implementation of the strategies to bring solutions to the problem.
- Collecting and analyzing the data related to the problem.
- Measuring the success rate of the change. Pre-test and post-test steps are needed to conduct a scientific project.
- Sharing of all steps and outcomes might be done through various ways (web page, Blog, PPT presentation and/or video).
- Self-assessment and Peer-assessment steps will be realized under the guidance of Dr. Köksal.