ICT & Problem-Solving Focused Projects
The International “ICT Seagulls” project focusing on Imece Circles methodology and technology use. Now, it is also the time for empowering teachers to lead the Circles as “Leading Seagulls”!
Do you want to be known at national and international platforms by revealing your real potential?
Do you aim at creating awareness for the present problems of your environment and finding out solutions for the betterment of life?
Do you want to move to the place and honour of a leading and innovative teacher through this project, as one of the pioneers of it?
“© started in 2003-2004 Academic Year hugging all the students_abled and/or disabled, from kindergartens to colleges and completed its 10th year successfully with well-conducted 260 projects, not only in Turkey but in USA, UK, India, Nepal and South Africa. Its democratic pattern, quality-focused steps and tools, world-known jury members and technology-based structure have influenced many countries; quality experts and IT sector owners.
This year, we have again two types of ICT projects:
1. For students; ICT Seagulls Project in its 13th year.
It will be based on Students’ Quality (İmece) Circles philosophy as we are used to for 13 years. The role of teachers is facilitating.
2. For University Students, Teacher-Trainees, Retired teachers, community leaders and parents; ICT Leading Seagulls Project in its 3rd year.
It will be based on adult İmece Circles. University students, especially students of the faculties of education will take part in the projects. Other groups might be retired teachers, local governors, business people, NGO leaders and parents. The assessment will be conducted in those categories:
- University students (1 year),
- Teacher trainees/Student Teachers (Attending Faculties of Education) (1 term),
- Retired Teachers (at every level and all subject areas),
- Business world supported teams including local governors,
- NGO leaders’ teams,
- Parents’ teams.
PDCA Mindset and analytical problem solving steps (SQC Methodology) will form the essence of the two main projects from planning and implementation stages to sharing and everything will be realized through technology use.
The registration period will start on 10 October 2015, and will last until the 1st March 2016. The project materials will be delivered on 6th June 2016.
Projects must create a feeling of “WOW!” on followers. Since MOOC concept is very popular nowadays, the Leading Seagulls Projects will mainly focus of video-taking and preparing a MOOC-Like film to share what they did in their projects. We call them OOPS! = Open, Online Projects.
You are invited!