Dear All,
The projects of the year 2014 might be listed in two parts:
1. ICT Seagulls projects are the School Projects. Students of high schools conducted them under the leadership of their teachers. One is from Turkey and the other is from India.
Turkish Project:
CMS Project:
2. ICT Leading Seagulls Projects are the projects of the University students. They were teacher trainees, i.e., the students of the Faculty of Education. During their courses, they conducted projects and they were included in ICT Leading Projects since they are going to be actual teachers in the near future. Thus, they would learn how to lead their students in the future. They were grouped in two courses which were given by Dr. Köksal who is the designer and general coordinator of the projects.
10 Ed 401 (Introduction to Education) Course Projects which are about; burn-out teachers, fun in education, multiple intelligences in ELT, Native vs.non-native teachers, poisonous pedagogy, professional guidance for senior ELT students, project-based education, stage fear and values education. You can see their links below.
12 Ed 313 (Conflict resolution) Course Projects are adolescence problems, child-brides, conflict with people with paraplegia, hate crimes, juvenile delinquency, leadership, alternative medicine, multiculturalism, musicians and community, humiliation, life in prison, and street children. The links are as follows:
Ed 313 (Conflict Resolution)
Conflict with People with Paraplegia