The 19th year of the “International ICT Seagulls Projects” was launched at a time when Covid-19 variants were active. However, it was completed due to the commitment of the teams, our virtual consultancy, and the practicality of the “İmece Circles (SQC)” methodology, which proved its success as an important method of distance education.
Our K-12 category project started with three projects from India. Unfortunately, with the unexpected and early loss of dearest SUMITA BHADORIA from CMS School, only two teams could finalize their projects. We have been so sad about the significant loss of CMS. She was a great leader and a wonderful personality with an ever-smiling face and she was always in our project since 2006. We send our condolences to his family and her beloved ones. May her soul rest in peace!
Two high school projects from the Gurugram region were prepared by teams of two different types of high schools under the same Educational Institution name: Blue Bells Model School and Blue Bells Public School. Both teams focused on environment-oriented projects, and they studied the problems of “climate change” and “water problem”. Both schools got good results in their respective categories.
I would like to share with you the project titles and the names of the teams that received awards in this year’s K-12 age category. I will also share the project links for your access.
- The “Aqua Strategists” team/circle of Blue Bells Model School (BBMS) established in Gurugram, India, consisting of 10 students, 2 community leaders, and 2 parents from the 16-17 age group, focused on the “Lack of Water ” problem and worked to raise awareness within the community.
The team members were guided by Project leaders Dr. Madhu Gupta, Sanjana Sanjay Hasin, and Yogesh Sharma, with the support of the school principal, Mr. Alka Singh. For the “High school age group”, they got; the “2022 HIGH COMMENDATION AWARD”, “THE BEST ENVIRONMENT PROJECT AWARD ON WATER PROBLEM“, & “PROF.DR. ÜMİT SERDAROĞLU JURY SPECIAL AWARD”.
Please visit:
- The “Climate Action Rangers “ team/circle of Blue Bells Public School (BBPS) founded in Gurugram, India, consists of 10
students aged 16-17, 3 community leaders, and 2 parents, working on the causes and solutions of the climate change problem of the world.
With the support of the school principal Dr. Saroj SUMAN GULATI, the team members worked under the great leadership of Ms. Anshuka ANEJA, Ms. Arpita ACHARYA, Ms. Meenakshi MALHOTRA, Ms. Shivali JOSHİ, Ms. Shikha TANEJA, and Ms. Rachna SHARMA. The jury members determined them as follows:
Please visit:
We wholeheartedly congratulate all the teams and express our thanks to their supporters and their families. We wish them good luck with their future successful work. We are also thankful to our international jury members for their hard work and commitment.
The Turkish Republic was founded in 1923. So, the 100th anniversary of it will mark the 20th anniversary of our project. This has a very special meaning for us and our country. Please follow us for the main themes of our 2023 project. Registration will start on October 15, 2022. With peace and love…
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Hayal KÖKSAL
Project Designer and Coordinator
0 532 373 84 87